If you have any suggestion or query please feel free to contact me at aswathicj82@gmail.com
Maglev is the transportation mode, it is a system of train transportation that uses two sets of magnets:one set to repulse and push the train up out of control and another set of push the raised train forward, exploiting the absense of erosion. China ; using electro attractive power, the Maglev train “Suspends" over the track with no contact between body and rail. The China has been using Maglev technology for almost Two Decades on a very limited secure. China revealed a Maglev train that capable of the top speed of 600 kph on Tuesday. The most extreme speed would make the train, self created by China and produced in the seaside city of Qingdao, the quickest ground vehicle internationally. It Uses electro- magnetic force and there js no contact between body and rail. China has been utilizing the innovation for right around 20 yearb on an extremely restricted scale. Shanghai has a short Maglev line running from one of its air terminals to town. Whi...
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