Stadium sized Asteroid to Whizz past Earth on July 24,Nasa Places it in hazardous class. A gigantic Asteroid about the size of an Arena, is plunging towards Earth at an extremely high velocity named ' 2008 Go20', the asteroid will whizz past Earth on July 24. The Asteroid is cruising at more than 8km each second, which is around 28,800 km/ hr a speed so high that anything coming in its manner will experience extreme catastrophe. The Near Earth Object (NGO) is 20 meters wide and will zoom by a good ways off of 28,70,847,607 km, multiple times the distance among earth and the moon. According to NASA's center for Near-Earth-Object studies, on July 21st, six NEOs are expected to fly past Earth at a distance less than 0.05au While the asteroid will securely move past earth, its orbit near the Planet has been delegated, Apollo, which hold the most risky asteroid. Nasa is constantly checking the object. @asteroid watch #planetaryDefence Prior in June, 2021KT1 an asteroid the ...