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Benefits of Henna for hair Growth

Henna for hairgrowth and how to prepare Henna pack effectively on hair, DIY What is Henna  ? Henna is a tropical shrub or small tree, of the loof strife family, native to northern Africa, Asia and Australia, the reddish-brawn dye obtained from its leaves and small, fragrant, white to red flowers. In manufacturing henna, is used in cosmetics, hair dyes, and hair care products. It is also used as a dye Henna have a lot of natural properties and it boosts hair growth and reduce the hair fall. It also promote a healthy scalp and its control the  pH level of the scalp  can put a stop to hair loss and promote hair growth.       Hair growth is a long process.You can use hair treatment to stimulate hair growth but the chemicals in the treatment may damage your hair. Instead of these chemical treatments, opt a natural, DIY for hair growth that you can prepare at home. Here in this article discussed how henna boost hair growth and sharing some natural ingredients for...